
We learn to catch fish - Step by step

Bötefür Markus
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271 CZK (11,29 €)
List price: 339 CZK (14,13 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 31257
EAN: 9788074333736
Price excluding VAT:271,20 CZK (11,30 €)
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When do they take pike and tench? What tackle do I need for a certain fish? How can I increase my achievements? Professional sport fisherman Markus Bötefür offers solid knowledge about fish, waters, fishing tackle and lures in this guide. In a comprehensibly written book with more than a hundred photographs, the beginner will find detailed instructions and simple funny solutions. Tips on how to catch anything from eel to zander describe the different behavior of the fish and what fishing techniques can be used. Brand new, basic course for beginners and eternal beginners.

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