
English teacher

A man will do anything for his happiness to keep it... Váňová Magda
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307 Kč (12,90 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,76 €)
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List Number: 29907
EAN: 9788072444892
Price excluding VAT:307,23 Kč (12,91 €)
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For the sake of his happiness, a person will do anything to keep it, even creating a defensive rampart against the loss of illusions and unfortunate events around him, through which even happiness cannot come to him again.

A novel about happiness that turns maliciously into losses and disappointments. Ninel has had this experience since childhood, when she started to imagine what would make her happy, but when she wanted to help it, her efforts always went wrong and ended badly. She even had to leave her home to live with her aunt in Prague because of this, but this life change at the age of fifteen finally brought her closer to happiness. The aunt was half English, she taught Ninel perfect English, and when she graduated she left her pupils to her. Teaching English is accompanied by a number of humorous stories, and Ninel gets personally involved in some of her students' adventures, but none of them know about her life marked by deep disillusionment with partner relationships. Ninel is always silent about him, as if not only her unhappiness is hidden in him, but also her desire for happiness, and she prefers to keep both under lock and key.

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