
Václav Havel powerful powerless in the 20th century

Václav Havel is undoubtedly the most important Czech personality of the second half of the 20th century.... Vopěnka Martin
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319 CZK (13,29 €)
List price: 399 CZK (16,63 €)
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List Number: 29718
EAN: 9788072529278
Price excluding VAT:319,20 CZK (13,30 €)
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This biography tells not only about the life of Václav Havel and his intellectual legacy, but also about the history of Central Europe in the twentieth century. It even forms a kind of basis that every pupil, student and adult could and should know.

Václav Havel is undoubtedly the most important Czech personality of the second half of the 20th century, and his importance far exceeds our borders. However, his life is also a great opportunity to illuminate our modern history against the background of historical events.
The author follows both lines in the book. In the beginning, Václav Havel is a small figure in difficult historical tests, later he becomes a famous playwright, but at the same time a powerless dissident, who was persecuted and imprisoned by the communist power of the time. And yet, in the end, he wins over her and enters history. Both lines of the book are thus connected at the end.
The author did not overload the text with information, on the contrary, he used his experience in writing for children and youth. Thanks to this, it is a book intended for both youth and adults, but also suitable as a supplement to the teaching of our modern history. Last but not least, thanks to it, readers will better understand the essence of communism and any dictatorship, as well as the possibility of an individual to live a true and authentic life under all circumstances.
Eva Bartošová's concise illustrations pave the way to understanding the times, Havel and history.

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