
We cook according to Herbarium 3

Author: Rybová Linda, Winterová Kateřina, Format: 222x255m Number of pages: 240 Binding: Hard Manufacturer: Edice České televize
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153 Kč (6,43 €)
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List Number: 04407
EAN: 9788074041723
Price excluding VAT:153,23 Kč (6,44 €)
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In the third part of the lifestyle bestseller We cook according to Herbář, Kateřina Winterová and Linda Rybová will present you culinary hits from the next series of the TV show Herbář. The authors collected inspiration for the preparation of cosmetics and great dishes from herbs, vegetables and meat during their wanderings in nature in all seasons, in old cookbooks, folk tradition and in herbariums that have been cared for for centuries.

More than 200 recipes, instructions and cosmetic advice are complemented by detailed information on almost 40 herbs, artistic photographs by Adam Holé and tips on home remedies from the grandfather of the herbalist Břetislav Nové. The promoter of organic food Hanka Zemanová and the world champion in cooking marmalades Blanka Milfaitová also contributed their bit to the mill. This time, no less attention is paid to sustainable development.

Long live herbs, health and inspiration! Third time!

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