
Trains - a book with magnets

Hoooo, hoooo - watch out, the train is coming! In the port, at the train station, on the construction site and after a hard day at the depot - we can find locomotives and wagons for passenger or freight transport everywhere.
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215 CZK (8,96 €)
List price: 269 CZK (11,21 €)
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List Number: 20107
EAN: 9788088344223
Manufacturer:Presco Group
Price excluding VAT:215,20 CZK (8,97 €)

Whoah, whoah - watch out, the train is coming! In the port, at the train station, on the construction site and after a hard day at the depot - we can find locomotives and wagons for passenger or freight transport everywhere. There, trains help us everywhere. On each page of this book, children will discover a short story that they can co-create using magnets. And when they've won to their heart's content, they can "park" all the cars back into the storage box, where they'll be ready for more great fun.

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