
A killer who was afraid of himself

The new collection of crime stories by the popular Piscean author is proof that Ladislav Beran's careful search in the archives and periodicals from the 1930s paid off again. Ladislav Beran
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231 CZK (9,63 €)
List price: 289 CZK (12,04 €)
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List Number: 24624
EAN: 9788024397627
Price excluding VAT:231,20 CZK (9,63 €)
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The new collection of crime stories by the popular Piscean author is proof that Ladislav Beran once again paid off to search carefully in the archives and periodical press from the 1930s. Readers thus meet again with the legendary sand search, led by staff captain Votruba. The names of the short stories, for example, The Man Who Could Stop Time, The Tired Thief's Luck, The Delicate Lapalian in the House of Kind Vices, Love from the Peacock, Having Pockets Full of Money, The Brothel is Not a Church, Mr. Staff, Memento mori! or the Grave that spoke promise not only an excursion into the investigation of criminal activity at the time, when cases had to be so-called honestly solved, but also guarantee the necessary dose of tension in the turbulent times of the 1930s...

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