
Capable of everything

Two lovers arrive at a forest hotel. Ekman Klas
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287 CZK (11,96 €)
List price: 359 CZK (14,96 €)
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In stock (2 )
List Number: 28147
EAN: 9788024281872
Price excluding VAT:287,20 CZK (11,97 €)
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Two lovers arrive at the forest hotel. Johan is looking forward to a couple of passionate days and dreams of a future together, Anna is looking for a way to tell him that they have to break up because her oversensitive son needs some peace now. After an unsuccessful weekend, an even worse journey home awaits them. A catastrophic mistake sets off a terrifying chain of events that cannot be stopped. And as much as the two main actors try to pretend that nothing happened, their lives will never be the same.
The riveting Swedish psychological thriller Omnipotent is a thrilling story about ordinary people in a borderline situation and how one bad decision leads to others and how fragile moral inhibitions can be.

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