
Exceptional - Katarína Gillerová

Diana's admiration for photographer Alan helps her overcome the pain of her parents' breakup.
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307 CZK (12,79 €)
List price: 399 CZK (16,63 €)
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List Number: 32357
EAN: 9788026725428
Price excluding VAT:307,23 CZK (12,80 €)
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Diana seeks an escape from unfavorable family conditions with the artistic photographer Alan. When she becomes his assistant and subsequently his muse, she copes better with her father leaving for a younger woman. Although Alan puts freedom and independence first, Diana manages to convince him to live together and start a family. However, after a series of tragic events, Diana finds herself in a difficult situation. Can he forgive past wrongs and share his love with those who need it most? Her mother had drilled it into her head since childhood that she was special. However, when he begins to investigate the family history, which hides many secrets, this word takes on a completely different meaning. Katarína Gillerová tells a story about complicated interpersonal relationships and the fact that only those who can forget can truly love.

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