
Fun math puzzles

Mathematics is certainly the basis of modern science, but that does not make it an overly serious discipline... Gardner Martin
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List Number: 30294
EAN: 9788073638849
Price excluding VAT:198,40 CZK (8,27 €)

Mathematics is certainly the foundation of modern science, but that does not make it an overly serious discipline. Contrary to what many students think, math problems can be smart, inspiring and a lot of fun at the same time. The author of this book, Martin Gardner, was one of the best popularizers of recreational mathematics, entertaining the readers of Scientific American magazine for many decades and managing to collect thousands of math puzzles. The collection represents tasks belonging to various branches of mathematics – games with integers and numbers, geometry in the plane and in space. Puzzles involving speeds, money or probability are particularly popular. And there will also be various special tricks and funny paradoxes.

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