
Killing is not easy

The story of the youngest female war fighter... Vilma Geldof
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311 CZK (12,96 €)
List price: 389 CZK (16,21 €)
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List Number: 31798
EAN: 9788075977885
Price excluding VAT:311,20 CZK (12,97 €)
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At fourteen to the war against the Nazis

In her novel, the award-winning Dutch writer Wilma Geldof worked out the fate of her country's youngest war fighter, Freddie Oversteegen, who actively joined the fight against the Nazis at the age of fourteen. Together with her sister, she lured high-ranking officers of the German army into the forest for supposed meetings, where the men were then shot. As a fresh teenager, she experienced the war really close, every day she experienced fear for her life, which was mixed with courage and pride.
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