
Puzzle Mystery (Collector's Edition)

Jaroslav Foglar
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384 CZK (16,00 €)
List price: 499 CZK (20,79 €)
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List Number: 32070
EAN: 9788000071404
Price excluding VAT:384,23 CZK (16,01 €)
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A puzzle mystery in a collector's edition with illustrations by Jan Fischer and an insightful afterword that reveals the history of one of Foglar's best novels.

Something has moved in the dark Stínadly! The Quick Arrows Club - Mirek Dušín, Jarka Metelka, Jindra Hojer, Červenáček and Rychlonožka - must not miss it! When the boys learn the story of apprentice locksmith Jan Tleskač, they embark on a dangerous expedition to enemy territory where the plan for the flying bicycle is hidden. The latter is to be hidden in a metal puzzle of a hedgehog in a cage. However, the quick arrows will not have it easy. After all, Stínadly is ruled by a rough bunch of Vonts...

The Quick Arrows Club is back! The first part of the shadow-painting trilogy with illustrations by Jan Fischer and an informative afterword that reveals the history of the creation of one of Foglar's best novels.

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