
From kindergarten to school - Exercises and tasks

The fun exercise book is intended for all preschoolers and young schoolchildren.
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127 CZK (5,29 €)
List price: 159 CZK (6,63 €)
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List Number: 31419
EAN: 9788076871519
Price excluding VAT:127,20 CZK (5,30 €)
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The fun exercise book is intended for all preschoolers and young schoolchildren. In various tasks, the children practice things that every pre-schooler and young schoolchild should know and know in a fun way. And parents get an idea of ​​what enrollment in the first grade entails. Even though each school has its own way of verifying a student's maturity, with our book you will definitely not get lost when enrolling. The book is full of tasks in the area of ​​first numbers, strokes and lines, writing letters, drawing, coloring, logical tasks or language games. Here, preschoolers and first-graders can test their knowledge and abilities and have fun at the same time. 192 pages of fun.

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