
Broken Love - Tess M. Puffer

His carefully hidden secrets begin to surface. Will she still love him? Sequel to the romance Damned Love
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307 CZK (12,79 €)
List price: 399 CZK (16,63 €)
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List Number: 32079
EAN: 9788025354971
Price excluding VAT:307,23 CZK (12,80 €)
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His carefully hidden secrets begin to surface. Will she still love him? Sequel to the romance Damned Love.

Anna and Maddox have overcome the distrust of those around them and the disapproval of Anna's parents and are finally an official couple. Instead of enjoying happy moments, their relationship teeters on the edge. Maddox cannot cope with the tragic events of the past few days, which he blames himself for. Anna feels rejected and insecure, and is troubled by Maddox's past. She is even darker than she thought, and when another carefully hidden secret surfaces, more than just their relationship is suddenly at risk...

Continuation of the romance Damned Love.

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