
Witch's Hammer CD

Václav Kaplický
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319 CZK (13,29 €)
List price: 399 CZK (16,63 €)
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List Number: 02637
EAN: 8594164230134
Price excluding VAT:319,20 CZK (13,30 €)
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The murderous Losin and Shumper beast named Boblig, the mad inquisitor and his protectors, the princes of Liechtenstein and Olomouc
bishop of the same surname, entered history at the end of the 17th century as the creators of the terrifying horror of the monstrous witch trials, during which the fanatical multiple murderer Boblig personally massacred, tortured, robbed of honor and property and finally
burned alive more than a hundred innocent victims, including the Šumper priest, dean Kryštof Alois Lautner. No one stopped the triumphant beast. The fanaticism and arrogant will of the power of the time generated such institutionalized terror and mob hysteria that no one stood up for anyone. A murderous triumphant bestiality turned irrationality into reality, into a perfect horror of the perfect eclipse of reason.

Year of publication:2011

Interpret Paul of Rome

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