
In cold blood

Gerritsen Tess
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262 CZK (10,92 €)
List price: 349 CZK (14,54 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 32014
EAN: 9788383422169
Price excluding VAT:261,75 CZK (10,91 €)
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Nina Cormier was left standing alone in front of the altar... The fiance evaporated and left her a message with the witness. But that was far from the worst thing that happened to Nina on the "most beautiful day of her life".
If Nina Cormier's wedding took place, she would be dead by now. But it wasn't until a strange man tried to push her off the road that she realized someone really wanted to kill her.
But who!?
Detective Sam Navarro must find out quickly. The nightmare unfolds all around them, and Sam and Nina must unravel the terrifying truth: they are at the mercy of a genius madman who plays for everything.

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