
Other Hrášek's most popular tasks for preschoolers

The tasks are intended for preschool children, but younger children can also use them, and some tasks can be challenging even for first-graders.
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List Number: 03779
EAN: 9788073460617
Price excluding VAT:103,20 CZK (4,30 €)
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Author: Taťána Vargová
Format: A4
Number of pages: 144
Binding: Paperback

The tasks are intended for preschool children, but younger children can also use them, and some tasks can be challenging even for first-graders. Children will practice visual discrimination, numerical concepts, right-left orientation and other skills and knowledge on tasks from the book. While working, children also strengthen patience, diligence, systematicity and concentration. The tasks are ordered from easier to more difficult and the instructions for them are given briefly and simply.

Follows Hrášek's successful, most popular tasks for preschoolers.

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