
Wild in the garden - Inspiration for natural gardening

Wild nature is right under our noses - in gardens and parks, in the gaps in the pavement and in the ground under our feet. Dave Goulson
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299 CZK (12,46 €)
List price: 398 CZK (16,58 €)
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List Number: 22436
EAN: 9788076700024
Price excluding VAT:298,50 CZK (12,44 €)
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Wild nature is right under our noses - in gardens and parks, in the gaps in the pavement and in the ground under our feet. Dave Goulson peers into the compost, digs in the dirt and dives into the garden pond. He passionately explains how our lives and the fate of all humanity are inextricably linked with the lives of honeybees, bees, goldfinches and pansies, the underappreciated heroes of the natural world. An essential book for anyone who has a garden and cares about our planet.

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