
Everest 1922

Conefrey Mick
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306 Kč (12,86 €)
List price: 398 Kč (16,72 €)
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List Number: 31576
EAN: 9788076890046
Price excluding VAT:306,46 Kč (12,88 €)
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A dramatic story of the first attempt to climb Mount Everest. The book is published on the centenary of the 1922 expedition.

George Leigh Mallory's first attempt to climb Mount Everest in 1922 and the British expedition surrounding it is an extraordinary tale of controversy, drama and misadventure, populated by a series of larger-than-life characters straight out of an adventure novel. The expedition ended in tragedy when an avalanche hit Mallory's group on the third summit attempt, killing seven men. Based on diaries, letters and previously unpublished reports, Mick Conefrey has created a colorful and character-driven story, charting the motivations and private dramas of the key participants (detailing their behind-the-scenes politicking and irreconcilable rivalries), the architects of this epic adventure.

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