
History of Europe - From prehistoric times to the 21st century

The book History of Europe is a captivating narrative about the common history of our continent from the end of the Ice Age to the present day. Black Jeremy
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479 CZK (19,96 €)
List price: 599 CZK (24,96 €)
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List Number: 29195
EAN: 9788024284767
Price excluding VAT:479,20 CZK (19,97 €)
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The History of Europe book is a captivating narrative about the common history of our continent from the end of the Ice Age to the present day. Step back in time to the rise of the Roman Empire, brutal Viking raids, the cultural boom of the Renaissance, and relive the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of consumer culture in the 21st century. Historian Jeremy Black acts as an expert guide to the past that has shaped our society today. A beautifully illustrated publication with more than 200 color photographs, detailed timelines and fascinating maps, History of Europe brings our continent's long history closer to us and makes it comprehensible.

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