
The magic of the cuisine of Bohemia and Moravia or the heritage of our grandmothers - Damaged

Book bestseller "Treasures of classic Czech cuisine"
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299 CZK (12,46 €)
List price: 459 CZK (19,13 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 05447
EAN: 9788090504882
Manufacturer:Pražský kulinářský institut
Price excluding VAT:299,27 CZK (12,47 €)
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Book has bumped spine and dirty boards, see second picture

The book bestseller "Treasures of Classic Czech Cuisine" is complemented by this even better elaborated and more comprehensive cookbook by Roman Vaňek from the workshop of the Prague Culinary Institute. It describes in detail more than 200 recipes of Czech and Moravian cuisine arranged in 17 sections. The cookbook contains more than 500 top-quality photos that will guide you step by step to perfect home-made dishes. The book will delight complete amateurs as well as professional chefs with its elaboration. The book will surely take its leading place in the library of every lover of honest cuisine.

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