
Krakonoš's secret - DVD

An epic tale about Krakonoš, the guardian of the mountains, about the human desire for wealth... Barbara Johnson
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188 CZK (7,83 €)
List price: 244 CZK (10,17 €)
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List Number: 29932
EAN: 8594161153986
Manufacturer:Edice Če
Price excluding VAT:155,27 CZK (6,47 €)
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"Krakonoš's secret / Footage: 98 minutes
Screenplay: Barbara Johnsonová / Director: Peter Bebjak / Main camera: Martin Žiaran / Architect: Juraj Kuchárek / Costume designer: Ján Kocman / Makeup artist: Michaela Kicková / Music: Juraj Dobrakov / Starring: David Švehlík, Leona Skleničková, Jan Nedbal, Ondřej Sokol, Dominika Morávková-Zeleníková, Jakub Prachař, Martin Huba, Diana Mórová, Jakub Barták, Olaf Burmeister, Ctirad Götz, Lucie Matoušková, Nataša Bednářová, Jan Vondráček, Norbert Lichý, Jiří Maryško, Vladislav Georgiev and others

An epic tale about Krakonoš, the guardian of the mountains, about the human desire for wealth that will stop at nothing, and love that is even more powerful.
Its new owner Štěpán arrives at the castle in the Krkonoše foothills with his fiancée, the beautiful Countess Blanka, and his younger brother Adam. On the way, the carriage accidentally knocks over a passing girl. Adam helps her and she falls in love with him. Will their love come true? What mystery does the old painting at Hůrka Castle hide? And who is Krakonoš and what is his biggest secret?
© Česká televize, D.N.A., s.r.o., KiKA – Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF, Slovenská produkčná a.s., 2022, ? Czech Television, 2023
Closed Captions for the Deaf / English Subtitles / Audio Description for the Visually Impaired"

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