
Baptism - Aleš Opatrný

A guide for those who are thinking about baptizing their child
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79 CZK (3,29 €)
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List Number: 32676
EAN: 9788075665171
Price excluding VAT:79,20 CZK (3,30 €)
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A small guide from the pen of the well-known priest Aleš Opatrný will help parents and godparents imagine what the baptism of a child means for his life and his relationships. We get to know what can be promised from baptism, what awaits parents and those present at the baptism ceremony, and what needs to be arranged to avoid unnecessary stress.

Baptism is the basis for the unique relationship of God to man and man to God. This publication reveals the meaning of baptism and kindly invites you to it. It does not replace a personal meeting of the parents with the baptizing priest or deacon, but it will certainly facilitate their preparation.

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