
A sage, a surfer and a businesswoman

The book by the author of the world-famous bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the story of Jack Valentine, whose life journey is in many ways similar to the life journey of each of us Robin S. Sharma
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215 CZK (8,96 €)
List price: 269 CZK (11,21 €)
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In stock (1 )
List Number: 15247
EAN: 9788087067192
Manufacturer:Presco Group
Price excluding VAT:215,20 CZK (8,97 €)
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The book by the author of the world-famous bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the story of Jack Valentine, whose life journey is in many ways similar to the life journey of each of us. Feeling deeply unsatisfied and unfulfilled as a human being, Jack set out to find the wisdom that would enable him to live a happier, more authentic and meaningful life. Through meeting three remarkable guides and teachers - a sage, a surfer and a businesswoman - Jack discovers a powerful philosophy of life, with the help of which he can radically transform his existence and find the key to his own destiny. On this spiritual journey to self-knowledge, he faces many trials. However, each obstacle eventually moves him a little closer to the truth and the fulfillment of his heart's desires. The knowledge that Jack reaches at the end of his journey can help anyone who decides to change his way of life and thinking, turn his desires into reality, overcome fears and anxieties that prevent him from personal development, awaken his inner potential and open his heart.

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