
Coloring pages A5 Fairies

Have a relaxing afternoon with the children and color a picture.
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12 CZK (0,50 €)
List price: 16 CZK (0,67 €)
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List Number: P2057
EAN: 8595138595969
Price excluding VAT:12,32 CZK (0,51 €)
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Children's coloring pages MFP - Fairies - Have a relaxing afternoon with the children and color a picture. These coloring books are simple with large pictures, therefore suitable even for the smallest children. Coloring pictures will help develop a number of abilities and skills, especially it has a great effect on the fine motor skills of the hand. You can also buy quality colored crayons from us. Illustrated by: A. Šplíchal Coloring book format: A5 Number of templates to color: 8 Number of pages: 16 Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Danger of inhaling and swallowing small particles. The price shown is for 1 pc.

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