
Saturnine intervenes (part 2)

The official sequel Miroslav Macek
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279 CZK (11,63 €)
List price: 349 CZK (14,54 €)
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List Number: 32038
EAN: 9788075977274
Price excluding VAT:279,20 CZK (11,63 €)
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Saturnin Strikes is the official continuation of the stories of the legendary servant from whom no bowl of donuts is safe.

After the bestseller Saturnin returns, the readers are waiting for further adventures of the butler and all the other old acquaintances, who this time set out together to explore the snowy slopes of the picturesque Orlické mountains. In addition to Saturnin on skis, you can of course look forward to the eternally uncharged and terrifyingly obnoxious aunt Kateřina, her unbearable and incompetent son Milouš, the sarcastic doctor Vlach, who has an apt comment on everything, and the kind grandfather who always has hands some good story for entertainment. And who knows, maybe the wedding bells will start ringing and someone will stick their head in the collar, you'll have to figure that out yourself.

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