
The hidden power of precious stones

New edition of the successful, reader-favorite guide to the fascinating effects of gemstones. Creperat Josef Pavel
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239 CZK (9,96 €)
List price: 299 CZK (12,46 €)
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List Number: 29447
EAN: 9788024285849
Price excluding VAT:239,20 CZK (9,97 €)
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A new edition of the successful, reader-favorite guide to the fascinating effects of precious stones. The book contains all the basic types of gemstones including pearls, corals, tektites and precious metals. It lists their chemical composition, basic physical properties, possibly differences in individual varieties, genesis and domestic and foreign deposits. However, the main emphasis is placed on their inner strength and ability to affect our organism in the field of health and meditation. As an expert on this issue, the author recommends incorporating precious stones into everyday life as helpers in solving personal problems and cultivating personality.

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